The East of England Cancer Alliance’s Patient Partnership Group would like to invite you to attend their online events.
The patient group have all experienced cancer themselves, or cared for someone with cancer, and are putting on a series of talks and information sessions designed to raise awareness and give people an opportunity to ask any questions of our expert speakers or experienced patients. We hope that you can join us.
Let's Talk About Cancer - side effects from common cancer treatments and medications.
Our next Let's talk About Cancer event will take place on 4 March 2025 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.
Join us online to learn more about the side effects from common cancer treatments and commonly used medications. We will hear from Sarah Sheppard, Lead Community cancer Nurse at Peterborough City Hospital. Being diagnosed with cancer and facing cancer treatment can be daunting, emotionally and physically challenging for people. Sarah will share her experiences as a Community Cancer Nurse on how to reduce some of the impacts, or cope with the side effects. We will also hear from a member of the public about their own experiences. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions.
You can watch the recordings of previous sessions by clicking on the links below.
Please email to register a place and to be sent the link to join the event

If you would like to watch the recordings of our previous Let’s Talk About Cancer sessions click on the links here.
If you would like to view the slides that accompany the Let's Talk About Cancer - money, work and benefits information session, please click on the presentation below. We apologise for the sound quality in this video, the slides do help is you are struggling to hear what is being said.

If you would like to view the presentation slides that accompanied the Let's Talk about Cancer, talking to children seminar, please do so by clicking on the presentation below.
Here are the presentation slides that Pam gave at the 'Let’s talk about cancer - screening programmes and why they are important' talk on 30th January 2024. Pam has updated the presentation slides with answers to the questions that were raised at the event, and the ones in the chat that we didn’t have time to get answered at the event.