This website is for patients with a new diagnosis of Prostate Cancer that has not spread.

It gives clear information about treatments and the risks and benefits of each option.
The options given are based on guidelines issued by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
It should be used in consultation with a healthcare professional.

The information does NOT cover treatment for patients whose cancer has spread (metastases) or returned (relapse).

Prostate cancer is unusual because there are a number of different options available. Most patients with prostate cancer will not die from their cancer. Our video below talks about prostate cancer, what it is, signs and symptoms, tests for prostate cancer and Grade Groups. There are more resources and videos available in each treatment section.

Your healthcare professional may talk to you about the results from three tests that together indicate for you a particular “group” when considering your treatment options. The three results will be your Grade Group (from the biopsy), your Prostate Specific Androgen (PSA) test (from a blood test) and the stage of your cancer (from the MRI or clinical examination). The group you are assigned is called your Cambridge Prognostic Group (CPG).

Which CPG you are in will help the healthcare professional discuss with you if immediate treatment would be beneficial.  You may be given the option to consider active surveillance or monitoring instead. If treatment is being considered; then the treatments options available and the likely side effects and outcomes can be discussed.

Your healthcare professional will discuss the options with you taking into consideration the CPG along with any other illness you have, your natural life expectancy and other factors from your investigations for example the amount of cancer in the biopsies or if there are any unusual features